Millennial also use traditional news media

Millennials, also recognized as Generation Y, are 18 to 34-year-olds in the US. They distinguish them from Generation X (35 to 49 years), from Baby Boomers (50 to 69 years) and the Silent Generation (70 years plus). It is obvious that the youngest are particularly interesting in media and marketing. And above all, digitization is leading to new attitudes and behavior.

Some representation is exaggerated

The popular cliché that millennials predominantly use social media has little to do with reality, even in the US. Of the total weekly media usage time of 26 hours and 49 minutes, only 6 hours and 19 minutes are spent on social media for US millennials.  Indeed, some statements seem exaggerated.

Facebook & Co are overrated

Representative quantitative research has examined the question of the importance of social media for news consumption for individual countries and age groups. Accordingly, the majority of millennials use social media as a news source. But only a minority use social media as their main source of news.

News media are underestimated

Representative quantitative research is also available when it comes to the target group-specific reach of individual news media. Millennials are making more use of the digital offers of the mass media.

At the moment, as in all times, young people are particularly open to new things. But you don’t have to keep too much secret in millennials. It is by no means a newly discovered species from an alien planet.

Teenagers and young people still value serious journalism. They are not only interested in best kids gifts but in what is happening around them as well. The best thing to do is to come to you directly via your smartphone. Young people prefer to read news through their smartphones than the traditional paper newspaper.

The young people have nothing positive to say about the traditional paper newspaper. It is perceived as being much too confusing and the feel that the elderly love is no longer important.  Millennials like to take advantage of the conveniences that the digital world offers them. Online retail is quickly gaining ground in the race with stationary retail.
