How do you choose the right structure for your message? Expanding upon the Message corner of the Professional Strategy Triangle, the FAJA Points provide a starting place for the more specific kind of thinking you need to do to begin your piece. The points feature a series of questions that you apply to your topic. Memorizing them gives you built-in starting points every time you begin a writing task. The story is much livelier and interesting when a journalist has done their homework, researched the subject, prepared good questions, and can provide insights based on their findings.


You may need to address the basic information, or facts, behind a news event that occurred. Perhaps you need to dig deeper into the definition of exactly what something is—providing analysis. Or, in persuasive writing situations, you may need to persuade an audience that an idea or product has essential aspects that make it positive or negative, happy or sad— discussing judgment.


Finally, you may be seeking to move people to do something—to adopt a companywide policy on sick leave, to purchase a prescription medication, or to try a new vacation destination. All of these ideas suggest an action to be taken. 
