Tips For Indoor Paintings

Paint is most effectively applied by painting a number of vertical strokes right next to each other and then spreading them horizontally until you get a plane. Continue to work in areas until the entire area is filled. You consciously choose rollers and brushes that are suitable for the chosen type of paint. The authentic hog bristle brushes, for example, are not really suitable for water-based paint.

The preparation of painting

It seems so easy. A wooden door, a roller or brush, paint, grease, think about the bristles and size, and you’re done. Unfortunately, every successful painting requires good preparation. First of all, you need to make sure the room is ready to paint. Think of covering your floors with plastic, newspaper, or cardboard. Tape off areas not to be painted with masking tape and remove door handles, electrical outlets, door panels, or curtains. If you paint near furniture, make sure that it is also well covered and moved to the side. In addition, think of yourself. Provide adequate ventilation when painting with solvent-based paint and wear a dust mask when sanding. It is best to wear gloves when using corrosive substances.

Substrate preparation

A wooden surface does not necessarily mean a solid wooden surface. There may also be sheet materials such as plywood, plywood, hardboard, or chipboard. These can be painted in the same way as solid wood.

unpainted wood

When painting on unpainted wood, the surface must be smooth, clean, and dry. Make sure you remove grease stains or other pollution with a cleaning agent such as Ruwol Surface cleaner and then rinse well with water. Make sure the wood has dried well before you start painting. Sanding is necessary for optimal adhesion and a smooth end result. For large surfaces, you can use a sander, but it can also be done by hand. The worse the wood is planed, the coarser the grain should be on the sandpaper. Always sand with the grain of the wood and make it dust-free. After this, you can apply a primer for the best result. On untreated wood, you first apply a primer. There are certain types of wood such as Merbau, afzelia, and many dark tropical kinds of wood that contain dyes that are water-soluble. When you paint on it with water-based paint, these dyes will dissolve and cause unsightly stains. Therefore, you should find out carefully which type of wood you use. If the wood contains such dyes, a good insulating primer is recommended. TIP: Use a solvent-based primer as the first coat. Solvent-based primer isolates the dyes in the wood, after which you can continue working with a water-based (primer) paint. Another substrate that can also contain dyes is MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard). It is therefore important to also paint a good solvent-based primer over it.

Painted Wood

The way in which you should process painted wood depends on the condition of the old paint layer. If you are in doubt about the quality of the old layer, there is a simple trick to find out: the adhesion test. In this adhesion test, you make six horizontal and six vertical notches. The result is a small area that resembles squared paper. Make sure there are only a few millimeters between the cuts. Then stick well-adhesive tape over it, press it well and carefully peel it off. If the old paint layer still adheres well, then you will not have a single square on your tape. If he attaches enough, then there are only a few. The paint will not adhere well if you peel off more than half of the squares.

The paint layer is still good

When the test shows that the old paint layer still adheres well, you can start preparing for painting. It is important that pollution such as grease and dust are removed. Dust can be removed with a damp cloth. For grease residues, you can use an alternative cleaning agent, such as Ruwol Surface cleaner. After the surface has been cleaned, it must be sanded. Be careful not to sand through the paint layer. If this does happen, the bare parts must be treated with a primer. After sanding, the surface should be smooth. Then remove the residue with a wet cloth and allow the wood to dry thoroughly before starting the finish. When the old paint layer is still in good condition, you can immediately start applying the final layers.

The paint layer is bad

The adhesion test may also show that the old paint layer no longer adheres well. This is a little more work to prepare, but important nonetheless. An old poorly adhering paint layer has adverse consequences for your paintwork. If peeling paint is present, remove it with coarse sandpaper, paint stripper, or thermal stripping. Afterward, the wood should be sanded as evenly as possible. Then apply a good primer.


If you see small holes in your woodwork, it may be that your wood is infected with woodworm. You can see if there are still worms in your wood if small fibers are still visible from the wood. This is called boron flour. Before you start working on this wood, you must exterminate the woodworm. There are various resources for this.

Agriculture | Part Solution And Part Cause

The agricultural sector recognizes its co-responsibility for climate change, says Piet Vanthemsche, chairman of the Boerenbond. ‘However, the Flemish agricultural sector has made a lot of effort in recent decades.’

Climate change is a fact. The role of human activity in this is beyond question and the agricultural sector recognizes its shared responsibility. Worldwide agricultural activity directly represents 13.5% of greenhouse gas emissions. In Flanders, this share is 12%. The Flemish agricultural sector has made a great deal of effort in recent decades to reduce emissions. The policy has played a guiding role in this. But it can and must improve.

Climate change in the flesh
The Flemish Environment Agency indicates that the annual average temperature in Flanders is already 2.4 ° C higher than in the pre-industrial period (1850 – 1899). The number of tropical days and heat waves has increased. In addition, there is an annual average of 13% more rainfall and the number of days with heavy rainfall has increased. The future scenarios indicate that Flanders will have to contend with more flooding, mainly in winter, and with long drought periods in summer. Apart from the catering industry on the coast, few are as concerned about the weather as the farmer. His portfolio literally lies in all weathers. Climate change can therefore be felt in every farmyard.

Tackling climate change
Flemish agriculture and horticulture have reduced CO2 emissions by 15% over the past two decades, mainly by focusing on energy efficiency and the switch to cleaner, more CO2-neutral fuels such as cogeneration and renewable energy. For example, the sector in Flanders has even evolved into a net electricity producer.

Global Challenge
We are facing a very important climate summit in Paris. A global approach is absolutely necessary. Only a strictly European or Flemish climate policy will have little effect because business activities will relocate to regions where a less strict policy is pursued, the so-called ‘ carbon leakage’. A global agreement with binding agreements for all regions, countries, and major emitters must be the goal. In addition to mitigation – reducing greenhouse gas emissions – one must also fully focus on adaptation – increasing resilience against and adapting to climate change.

Voice of the farmer
Farmers worldwide are faced with the challenge of helping to combat climate change and mitigate its consequences. The World Farmers’ Organization (WFO) actively participates in international discussions. As a founding member, Boerenbond endorses the recommendations of WFO in the climate debate. Climate-Smart Agriculture focuses on agricultural techniques that lead to more production, fewer emissions, and greater resilience to climate change. After all, with a growing world population, it is not an option to reduce food production in order to emit fewer greenhouse gases. The vital food production must be as sustainable as possible, by using natural resources (water, soil, nutrients, etc.) as efficiently as possible and minimizing emissions to soil, water, and air (including greenhouse gas emissions). More and more agronomists and scientists are therefore arguing for ‘sustainable intensification’ at a global level. We will have to produce more worldwide with fewer inputs and fewer emissions.

n terms of climate, the agricultural sector is not only part of the problem, but also an important part of the solution, through the climate-friendly plant and animal production (as a source of much-needed nutritional elements such as proteins, minerals, and vitamins), the production of renewable and sustainable energy, sustainable soil management and adapted water management. The agricultural sector wants to make further progress in this, but the individual farmer cannot do this alone. There is a worldwide need for an adapted and supportive policy, based on the findings of research institutions and centers of practice. These important efforts involve important investments. The sector cannot bear this alone. Do you have an interest in agriculture? Visit ‘cannabis mites’ for more details.

The Redefined Roles Of Educators In This Global Crisis

SHSAT TutorOne of the determining factors for students to gain admission into one of the specialized high schools in the City of New York is the SHSAT or the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test. Hence, applicants need to get a very satisfactory test score to be considered.

One of the ways that many parents do to help their children is to hire an SHSAT Tutor as they feel that they don’t have enough knowledge and capability to help their children with their SHSAT preparation. Other parents feel that their children are more responsive and receptive when working with another individual instead of them. With the expertise of an SHSAT Tutor, students are given the attention they need to improve and reinforce the core subjects and skills found in the SHSAT as well as boost their confidence.

Most students in learning institutions now are from a generation that grew up are growing up in a completely globalized world. This is a generation that understands the power and potential of collaborative work to resolve the biggest challenges the globe faces, such as climate change, racial discrimination, and now their combined duty and obligation to self-isolate in order to protect vulnerable and older community members.

roles of teachersThe Redefined Roles Of Educators

It is then imperative for educators to keep pace with today’s generation and be well-equipped in preparing students for their future. But the global crisis we are in now has changed how learning institutions and educators to better prepare and train students for whatever the future may bring.

Educating Students and Citizens in a World that is Interconnected

The pandemic clearly shows we are globally interconnected. Remote or isolated cases or issues are no longer a thing. Future generations need to learn and know how to recognize, understand and value this interconnectedness and find the way across limitations to leverage dissimilarities as well as work in a collaborative and global way.

Roles of Educators/Teachers are Redefined

Generally, educators/teachers are viewed as holders of knowledge and wisdom that is to be communicated to learners. However, education in the 21st century is quite different now since learners are able to obtain knowledge and information and even become trained at certain technical skills via the internet and their computer or mobile device. Educators now become facilitators in helping learners become functional, productive and valuable members of the society, as well as helping them be resilient, adaptable and flexible in various situations.  

Make Efficient Use of Technology to Provide Education

With the global pandemic being highly contagious and life-threatening, learning institutions and educators in many places across the world are compelled to deepen their knowledge and use of available technology to efficiently deliver education to students, particularly from preschool to Grade 12 learners, as remote learning may now be the new norm to avoid the virus.
