Indoor Air More Polluted Than Outdoor Air – Airdoctor 5000: A Worthwhile Investment For You And Your Family’s Health

Our respiratory system is responsible for breathing in fresh air within our body, at the same time getting rid of waste gases as well as airborne particles. Naturally, the more particulates that we breathe in, the more difficult for our lungs to get rid of them. Whether indoors or outdoors, poor air quality could make it even more challenging for our lungs to do its purpose properly and to function at its best, causing adverse health effects. Research have connected several health concerns to air pollution, which includes

  • Premature death in individuals who suffer from lung or heart problems
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Nonfatal heart attacks
  • Decreased lung function
  • Asthma and other respiratory problems

The Airdoctor 5000 – A Worthwhile Investment For Your Home and Health

The airdoctor 5000 is designed to catch and remove 100% of airborne particles that contaminate the air causing or triggering certain respiratory problems or other health complications. These particles passes through three filtration systems for it to blow out clean and fresh air. It has a pre-filter that sifts bigger particles, a carbon filter to filter out gases and VOCs and an ultraHEPA filter that eliminates the remaining 0.003 micron-sized particles, such as viruses and bacteria.

While it may be beyond belief, the air indoors can be of poorer quality compared to the air outdoor. Dander and dust are well-known for decreasing the air quality indoors, however there are several more air pollutants making indoor air dirty and stale which can lead to certain health problems. Among the contributors of poor indoor air quality includes carcinogens and radon from building materials and cleaning supplies, VOCs from paint, upholstery and carpeting materials, cigarette smoke and mold.

In order to improve the quality of indoor air, having an air purifier like the airdoctor 5000 is a worthwhile investment. You not only make certain that the air indoor is clean and fresh, but also maintain the health of all occupant of the home. The airdoctor 5000 is lightweight with a sleek, elegant and neat design making it perfect for any space in the home. It is user-friendly and comes with a 3-color air quality sensor that provides a real-time update of the quality of the air, as well as a filter change alert to notify if it’s time to change the filter.

House Cleaning Technology Demand During Covid-19

The coronavirus pandemic is changing every aspect of the way we live, particularly that which we desire out of our houses. Beyond space and layout, home cleanliness is paramount. New technology which claims not to wash, but sanitizes living spaces, is in large demand.

Everybody gets the spotlight on those germ issues at this time. A whole lot of germ problems were here ahead of the coronavirus and, sadly, people are taking a harder look today at how are we investing to create cleaner and safer areas as explained by Colleen Costello, CEO of Critical Vio, an eight-year-old company which specializes in antimicrobial LED light.

Its technology uses light to change the activity in cells of mold, bacteria, and fungi but maybe not in those of plants, pets and people sparking a response.

Vital Vio’s lighting extends such as manufacturer and Ellumi brand light of ventilation systems venting systems, into different products. Filtration and airflow may inhibit contagion, although the lighting of vital Vio does not kill coronavirus. Consumers look worried about killing the virus and also much more worried about producing the home atmosphere that is possible.

A lot of those clients we are not using one instrument, they are utilizing an assortment of unique tools, if it is different light spectrums, distinct standard cleaning compounds, and things along those lines as stated by Costello. It is an ecosystem which able to help push the general organism’s growth surroundings.

Since the pandemic started, Broan-NuTone has witnessed a leap in online sales and is currently hauled at Home Depot. The Costello of vital Vio says queries at her business are up 40-fold because the pandemic started.

National Homebuilders Proceed Fast on Blank Tech

A number of the country’s largest homebuilders are paying attention. Vital Vio tech will shortly be at Ohio-based M/I Homes, especially the Broan SurfaceShield venting system. It is essentially a room fan that integrates the anti-inflammatory lighting of Vital Vio as it moves through.

Arizona-based Taylor Morrison lately introduced TM LiveWell, a new initiative supplying customers,in-home goods for cleaner and safer alive, according to a company release. It’s also likely to begin placing SurfaceShield.

Consumers are aware of the health benefits and perceived dangers in almost every environment they are entering now shops, schools, airplanes so obviously, they are equally tuned into the wellness of their houses as said by Sheryl Palmer, Chairman, and CEO of Taylor Morrison. The focus on cleaner water and air and less vulnerability to substances is simply the start.

A poll by Vital Vio discovered that over half of respondents stated they are searching for sanitization tools due to their houses while the homebuilders state they’re doing these updates at no extra cost to the user. A bigger 64% stated they’d be ready to pay more or reside in houses using automatic cleaning technologies.

Another firm seeing development is Inox, which makes door handles. The products are largely marketed in Europe and Asia but are currently on Amazon and Lowe’s sites.

Both the construction product manufacturers and homebuilders have changed their attention to the touchless entrance, one-piece products, air quality plus a huge array of antimicrobial surfaces, such as moving old school with aluminum, following Tim Sullivan, senior managing principal with Myers Research, a property statistics and consulting company. A significant thing with this pivot would be to minimize the effect on the overall home cost to the customer.

As more of the technology is integrated into structures, such as hotels and offices, consumers will desire it more for their houses. It will have a lasting effect on the way we live in your home, although the coronavirus will loosen its grasp on our lives.
