Social Media – Good For Nature Or Not?

Sales on outdoor-related items, such as those found in, have significantly risen for the past years since outdoor recreation have become broadly popular. One factor that contributed the rise is because of media, particularly social media platforms. This, to some extent, have been great for the outdoor industry. However, there is a drawback to it as well.

A lot of people are also pointing a finger at social media for the ruin, devastation or congestion of outdoor destinations. Since outdoor recreation have rose in popularity globally, increasing more individuals are going outdoors too, meaning there is a surge in visitation as well as a greater impact on the outdoor destinations. Looking at it, social media definitely has a huge role in this, generally accompanied by the online sharing of information.

Social Media – Good or Bad?

By means of posting photos, videos, as well as descriptions and comments about the place people love to visit (and would recommend to visit), individuals are inspiring and encouraging others to go outdoors and have a first-hand experience of those destinations or places. Isn’t that the purpose?

As outdoor enthusiast, accessibility to recreation is something that we would want, as well as the desire to maintain and preserve these protected areas. When these opportunities are threatened, the simplest resolution is not only for recreationists but also for more of the general public to care for and about the outdoors and to create initiatives for the cause. And an influential tool to promote awareness and this advocacy is through social media.

Although it is a great thing that more people are engaging in outdoor recreation, the disastrous effect is that several of these recreational destinations could be so loved and popular that, or in some cases, are deliberately ruined by user who are reckless, negligent, and irresponsible. Because of this, a question on whether social media is truly a great thing for the outdoors or not has been raised.

Social media will remain as it has already established its place in society. Hence, we must make use of for something worthwhile and to use it. A distinction between good and bad is brought about how we behave outdoors, how we conscientiously or recklessly enjoy the outdoors, as well as what we share on social media platforms.
