Hidden Cameras Everywhere

Decades ago, spy cameras were merely seen in movies, today tiny and discreet spy cameras are now mainstream. Just about anyone could visit shops or shopping websites offering a range of surveillance or spy cameras with different styles, features and price ranges. There are sites as well that test and create reviews on such devices like the hidden spy camera reviews by iShotify.

Although hidden cameras are used for security purposes, many make use of these devices for unfavorable deeds. It isn’t only rental properties that have these unwanted devices that spy on you as well as your family. Today, a lot of people are finding hidden cameras in the oddest of places, and seems that they are now everywhere.

Hidden Cameras Could Be Anywhere

Below are a few objects wherein hidden cameras are most probably found. So, the next time you inspect a place for hidden cameras, don’t forget to check these places and objects.

Electrical Outlets

One of the most popular places where people hide small cameras are in electrical outlets, since they could be positioned practically anywhere, and there are many holes wherein a small spy camera could be inserted. If you’re ready to expend more money, several types of these cameras do actually function as an outlet. Most individuals go for the non-functioning outlet cameras since they are less pricey but still could be positioned on any wall. If an outlet is non-functional, there’s a possibility it may have a hidden camera.

Smoke Detectors

A smoke detector is another place where people hide these tiny cameras. People are accustomed to seeing these devices that they hardly notice them anymore, and when they are mounted on a ceiling, it’s difficult to have a good look. The smoke detector hidden cameras utilize lenses with a wide-angle, and with an elevated positioning, they can give a full-room surveillance as well as an all-out invasion of privacy.

When inspecting a room for spy cams, don’t miss to check the smoke detectors. It is also imperative to note that majority of these kind of smoke detector spy cams aren’t functional. So, if you find a smoke detector in the most unusual of places, they might have a spy cam in them.

Alarm Clocks

Typically, a functional clock radio has a user interface that’s busy with labels, knobs and sensors, making the pinhole of the spy cam lens difficult to locate. Several could even record in low-lighting environments as well as loop footages on a micro SD card with a large memory space, meaning this type of spy cam can record through the whole day and night. 

