Coffee And Tea – Two Allies To Improve The Body’s Defenses

With the rise of a pandemic that endangers our health, it is essential to keep our bodies healthy and strong. Maintaining a strong immune system gives us strong defenses against unwanted illnesses. In this post, we give you ways on how to boost our immune system. And yes, coffee is included on the list.

Antioxidants In Coffee

It is highly recommended to take an apple daily since they are very rich in antioxidants. Twenty minutes of sun exposure per day is enough to maintain acceptable levels of vitamin D. With a few weeks before spring begins, it is advisable to prepare for the change of season and improve the body’s defenses with a good antioxidant diet.

“Bet on integral carbohydrates: pasta, bread and rice, always in its integral version,” says Dr. Paula Rosso, from the Lajo Plaza medical center, who recommends saying goodbye to refined sugars and flours because they favor the formation of free radicals and also chronic inflammation of the body.

The sun is good but in a very moderate way. “Vitamin D helps neutralize free radicals and the risks of degenerative diseases. Twenty minutes of exposure a day is enough to maintain acceptable levels of vitamin D, “says the expert.

In addition, chocolate lovers have an excuse to drink it, since they ingest about 25 mg. a day helps maintain good levels of zinc, a mineral that strengthens the immune system, reduces inflammation, and is a good antioxidant. It also contains pumpkin, wheat germ, and oysters.

Coffee (moderate intake, around 3 – 4 cups a day) is good to prevent diabetes, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease. Coffee had been said to also prevent cancer. Natural coffee is preferable mainly because it has higher antioxidants content. On the other hand, instant coffee is a bad choice since it offers less nutritional benefits. For the best-brewed coffee, we recommend Ninja Specialty Coffee Maker. Read a full review at Leascoffee.

An indispensable drink is tea. “It contains an important content in catechins, polyphenols of great effectiveness against free radicals, in addition to having anti-inflammatory properties. The recommended dose is six to twelve cups a day, “says Paula Rosso. “White tea is the most antioxidant of all, followed by green tea. In leaves it has more beneficial properties than in a bag ”, he adds.

When it comes to fruit, you have to add an apple a day to your diet. “All apple varieties (red, green and gala) are rich in antioxidant compounds,” says the expert, who also recommends persimmon. “This fruit, like persimmon, is a powerful anti-free radical weapon,” he explains.

Forest fruits such as blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries are true jewels for their low caloric index and their large amount of anthocyanins, very powerful anti-radical compounds.

And of course you have to consume foods rich in vitamins C, E. “Both support the immune system and have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to take 500 to 1,000 mg a day of vitamin C and 100 to 400 IU a day of vitamin E. Several examples: peppers, spinach, walnuts, olive oil … “, concludes the expert.
