Replica watches, check out, are similar to knockoffs wherein an original product brand is replicated but leave out any trademark or logo that identifies or labels the original product. Many would be able to differentiate replicas from originals. Many individuals, even collectors, are fond of these whereas others have moral issues with these types of products as they deem them as close to fake. But they are totally legal.

There are, however, things that aren’t replicated but are completely fake, which could also spread like wildfire – Fake News. The term “fake news” is most frequently utilized to define absolutely fabricated or made-up stories, reports or narratives, but could be used to a wider gamut of news as well.  ​Numerous news outlets or channels will flaunt some type of obvious or hinted bias whilst not falling under the category of fake news. This is more disquieting than having ethical issues on replica watches.

Unreliable News

To efficiently identify and recognize if news is true or not, weighing the quality and value of the content is. Below are some important terms/sources to bear in mind regarding fake news:

  • Fake News

This is a deliberate fabrication of deceptive information or content which are disseminated, or completely distorting or misrepresenting real news reports.

  • Satire

Sources that make use of humor, exaggeration, irony, ridicule, as well as false ore deceptive information to remark on present events.

  • Bias

Sources that originate from a specific viewpoint or perspective and may be reliant on propaganda, info that are decontextualized, as well as on opinions altered as facts.

  • Rumor Mill

These are from sources that circulate on in gossip, rumors, innuendo, as well as unsupported and unproven claims.

  • State News

They come from sources in states that are repressive working under the sanction of the government

  • Junk Science

These sources disseminate and promote naturalistic fallacies, pseudoscience as well as other scientifically uncertain and ambiguous claims.

  • Clickbait

These are cleverly placed hyperlink intended to direct traffic to sources providing generally reliable and plausible content, however make use of headlines, descriptions and/or pictures that are overstated, misleading, deceptive, or questionable.
